Category: Hope

  • The Hope Chronicles June

    Dear Readers: The June edition of the Hope Chronicles has been postponed; but for good reason! I will tell you all about it in the July edition! Stay tuned! In the meantime, I would like to wish all the recent graduates a Big Congratulations , all the dad’s a Happy Father’s Day, and for those…

  • Character Changing Hope

    They say the dash between date of birth and death is what matters. It’s indicative of the life you’ve lived on earth. The good times. The bad times And every thing in between. And it’s to be celebrated. Unfortunately, that dash for the living is oftentimes meant with resistance, feelings of hopelessness, and wonderment. “How will I…

  • Learning in Hope

    I am a person who likes to educate and get people to think…though I didn’t always go about it the right way.  I would pose a question that I already knew the answer to and then go for the big reveal. People were either receptive to learning something new or they weren’t. Some were annoyed at the questions…

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