Resonating Hope

Have you ever read a title of an article and looked at the introduction and thought to yourself ; “ Yes! That’s me! I need to read this!”

The first paragraph starts off great; your hopeful that you can get some clarity from the article. Then, inexplicably, you notice the article didn’t touch upon anything related to the introduction paragraph. It drew you in but wasn’t aligned to the title.

The article, despite the misleading title, was otherwise a well written piece.

When we see articles with misleading titles or motivational speakers discussing popular topics that never fully address the subject it can be noted it may have less to do with their ability as a writer or speaker but everything to do with their experience with the matter.

The storyteller with experience will throw in subtle nuances that will make all the difference in being relatable versus confused. It’s the experience on the subject that makes the story more relatable and therefore will resonate with the audience.

Why does this matter?

Many writers or speakers are compensated for their ability to motivate an audience. The more popular the more it costs. Make no mistake- many are spectacular at what they do- it’s their gift. But how many of them have the actual knowledge of personally experiencing their topic? I’m willing to bet it’s some but not all. And that’s where it can get tricky.

The messages that gives us hope are told from the people who were once at a place we are trying to overcome. When we hear their story we are encouraged..we are hopeful.

And the stories that resonates is what brings us one step closer to hope.

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